The Twisted Lemon was created by a young entrepreneur and baker extraordinaire. This little patisserie started as a life lesson for 11 year old baker Erika deVries. Erika has always wanted to ride and show horses but being one of six children meant that this dream would have to remain just that, a dream. However, Erika's determination and creative spirit resulted in her starting her own business baking lemon meringue pies from scratch and selling them to neighbors and friends. Now Erika's patisserie is getting rave reviews and she has expanded her baked goods to include a variety of pies, cupcakes, sugar cookies and treats from her Dutch heritage. Erika believes that by being passionate about everything she does helps her to achieve her dreams and helps those around her want to chase theirs. Erika also tries to give back where she can taking time to help community charities and her youth group at the horse barn.